Team Ambassador Application

Before you get started:

Before you get going, it's good to think through what ambassadorship means between a brand and said Ambassador. If you think it's to get free stuff, you may as well stop reading here. It's not that at all. 

It IS a way to connect with a brand the team loves and show the world that you all really do believe in what they are doing! For us, the perks involve discounts on products, rights to know about things before they release, and a direct line to the company whenever you need it!

There is one MAJOR caveat to remember. Ambassadorship means that you already like the brand and want to represent the brand more officially. Therefore, we do not consider a team manager applicant that doesn't already own HANDUP products.

After you've applied:

Now it's time to wait. We get quite a few of these and like to give every single team thorough consideration. There is no way to speed this along. There is no way to make sure your team's application is on top. You will hear from us when you hear from us (PS: We'd recommend taking a peak at the junk folder just in case)

Once you have been accepted: 

Once your team has been accepted to be HANDUP ambassadors, we expect a few things. There are no numbered requirements or goals to hit but this is how you and the team will be expected to help:

  • Provide media when available
  • Wear HANDUP Gloves exclusively in your respective sport
  • Be a part of a community in your respective sport
  • Don't be a Bad Human (we've kicked people out for bad attitudes before)
  • Share what we are doing as a company often

At the End of your first year:

ALL forms of ambassadorship runs from the acceptance date to December 31st of that calendar year. At that point, ALL team managers will need to reapply for their team.

NOTE: We know that it can be hard to wrangle an entire team. If the majority of the team is interested but one member is particular about gloves, that's ok. Feel free to apply.